Yair Maimon Dr. of Chinese medicine
O.M.D Ph.D. Lic.Ac
Integrates traditional Chinese medicine with western science
Testemonials | Dr. Yair Maimon

I am using this opportunity to say to you what I’ve always wanted to say:
the best teacher I attended postgraduate courses from are you -
by far and without a shadow of a doubt.
You are so much more than your knowledge and your skills.
You give people from your innermost core, from your Being.
Mieke Sueters.(NL)
Practice Chinese medicine

“Yair Maimon is one of the most fascinating minds in the field of Chinese Medicine. His knowledge streches from modern research (he is one of the few researchers from the TCM side that has published in Western Medicinal Publications!) to ancient Understanding of Chinese Medicine and its uses for phsychological issues. His teaching style is highly entertaining and his aura mesmerizing. His yearly teachings at the TCM Kongress Rothenburg are always a runner. If you get a chance to see him, don´t miss it!”
Nils von Below
Vorsitzender der AGTCM President of the AGTCM

Dear Yaïr,
It was a real pleasure to hear you again. At each time you teach, I learn something more, something I’ve forgotten or something new, deeper, in matter of comprehension. It was also a pleasure to share relaxing moments.
THANK YOU very much for all you’ve gifted us, for who you are.
Cordially Maya
Consultante en Feng Shui traditionnel Diplômée par Maître Han, Wu Ji Academy Déléguée de la Fondation Han, Cambodge

Dear Yair
I wanted to personally thank you for introducing us to your impressive clinical and research work at the Sheba hospital and for your insightful presentation on the Shen points.
I enjoyed my first visit to Israel immensely, to a large extent by virtue of the ICCM conference and the wonderful people I met there. I really hope to be back next year!
Miriam Dossena

For the last years Dr. Yair Maimon has been teaching in our school ABZ MITTE on a regular base.His style of teaching is enthusing and inspiring for the participants. His perception and special way of diagnosing opens each time new aspects of Chinese Medicine.”
Lian Kools

I must tell you it is a good feeling how pieces start to fall in place in my mind and make more and more sense. All the time it becomes more easy to see patterns and solutions in cases. A very nice feeling, I want to thank you for this incredible course.
From Shen to Shen
Sylvia Agorander

“It is no surprise that Yair Maimon belongs to the leading figures in the field of Chinese Medicine. He pairs a vast knowledge of both western and Chinese medicine with a critical mind and apart from that he is gifted with a deep clinical wisdom.His inspiring courses will undoubtedly attract students and practitioners from all Europe.”
Albert L. de Vos
BSc, LAc, Vice President Dutch Acupuncture

I really enjoyed the weekend and somehow it has become addictive to learning the higher truth of Shen acupuncture, this is in itself is a testimony of the extraordinary insight that illuminates the mind.
I was speaking to a few of the classmates and they all agree that how they diagnose and treat has been of a profound benefit from initial one minute diagnosis to the treatment process.
For myself additionally I feel this unique learning is the closest we will ever get to the old masters whose knowledge though vast we’re most likely linked to the higher Shen and the world of the Timeless, and that the language you use I would suggest was the same uplifting expressions of those giants of High Chinese culture.
May we draw more from the world of the Timeless where the True Shen will inspire us further on in our pursuit of bringing deep healing to others.
Warmest Regards
Daniel o’brien
BSc, LAc, Vice President Dutch Acupuncture

“Yair is a very inspiring teacher combining a deep understanding of Chinese medicine and practical learning
which I took and apply in my clinic. He knows a lot understand a lot and a great teacher to learn from
If you want to be a better acupuncture practitioner go to his classes.”
Dirk Berein
headmaster of ABZ Mitte e.V. in Offenbach/Frankfurt/Germany

“I’ve attended 2 of Dr. Yair Maimon’s lectures: Shen and the treatment of psychological disorders and One needle cures 1000 diseases
and I found them very very interesting.He is teaching about subject and treatments that you cannot find in books.He teaches in a very organized way so you can understand even the complicated subjectHis lectures are inspiring you want to start treating in his way.I will certainly want to hear more.”
Margarit shulder

Dear Yaïr ,
Thanks again for the Shen-Acupuncture course, the course really change my practice 100% for the best !
I’m greatfull.
Mr Moshe-Laurent Turlin
Paris, France

I am so thankful that I followed the shen acupuncture course constisting of 3 (4) long weekends given by Yair.
I learned so much from this course. It seems to me that I learned in those weekends more than in the 6 years I did during my TCM school. Since I apply the shen acupuncture I feel I can help people better and I see more positive results in my clinic.
Just by using a few needles (1 to 3) I reach deeper and longer lasting effects.
His teachings are so inspiring, so practical and so full of wisdom. I got deeper insights in the background of disease and healing. I learned to see the person behind his symptoms and to treat him accordingly so that deep healing and a life changing transformation can take place. At the same time I got more insights in myself.
For me there is no better and more inspiring teacher than Yair. He teaches from the heart.
I can recommend each practioner to follow his course. It made me a much better practitioner and my clinic boomed since I use the shen acupuncture. People are much in need for a deep inner healing.
Ilona Wolfhagen

Yair’s course ‘Shen-Acupuncture’ is a teaching containing lots of aspects of TCM.
I received a good understanding about the coherence of the different levels (body/mind/spirit) and how to recognize and treat them.
The lectures are very lively and with an absolute practical orientation, enriched with lots of live-cases and Yairs’ long clinical experience.
So my work profited immediately.
Visiting this course was worth every minute and I can recommend it without any limits.
Ulrich Christen
Berlin Germany